Ingredients 1 tub of your favourite ice-cream, left in the fridge to reach a workable texture 150g blanched almonds
200g sugar
Method To make the praline put some almonds into a dry pan and toast them until they're golden. Alternatively, toast
the almonds in the oven at 180C for 10 minutes or until golden. Tip the sugar into another pan and melt over a medium heat
taking care not to burn it. When it's a caramel colour and a toffee consistency, it's ready. Line a small tray with greaseproof
paper. Spread the almonds around the tray and pour the toffee over them. Leave at room temperature to harden. When hard remove
the praline from the tray by turning it upside down and banging on the base of the tray. Wrap the praline in some non-stick
greaseproof paper and a tea towel and bang with a wooden spoon or other heavy utensil to break up the praline. Tip the softened
ice-cream and praline into a bowl and mix together well. Tip the mixture into a small bowl that will fit into the freezer
and put in the freezer to make the icecream a little firmer. When set, serve it with fresh berries and little wafers and remember
to tell your friends that you whipped the dessert up yourself.