Ingredients 4 eggs salt & ground black pepper 1 tsp fresh parsley, chopped 1 tsp fresh
thyme leaves, stripped from stems 2 teaspoons grated parmesan cheese (optional) 1 tbsp butter 1 tbsp olive oil 1
1/2 - 2 cups asparagus, diced but heads intact 1/2 cup red capsicum, diced 1 cup cooked long grain white rice (optional) 1/2
cup cheese, grated
Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180-190°C. 2. Break 4 eggs into a bowl and add salt,
pepper, parsley, thyme and parmesan cheese, if using. Beat together. 3. Dice the asparagus, leaving the heads intact.
(Tip: asparagus ends are often woody and tough. You can snap each asparagus spear then discard the woody
end, but Geoff recommended using a sharp vegetable peeler to simply pare off the stringy parts.) 4. Heat a frying
pan which has an oven-proof handle, then add the butter and olive oil. When the butter and oil foam, add the asparagus and
red capsicum and toss for a few minutes until the vegies colour. Stir in the cooked rice, if using. 5. Add the egg
mixture to the pan, shaking gently to stop the frittata from sticking. When the top starts to set, remove from the heat and
sprinkle the cheese on top. Transfer the pan to the oven and cook for about 5-10 minutes until the cheese browns. 6.
Take the pan from the oven and allow to the frittata to cool for about 5 minutes. When cool, remove from pan, slice and serve
with salad.
